Births, Deaths, Marriages and Divorces
Birth certificates of children of Italian citizens must be registered in Italy, even when newborns are dual citizens. Registration is mandatory for the recognition of Italian citizenship and is an essential precondition for Passport application.
To register the Birth of a child born in New Zealand please post to the Embassy (PO Box 463, Wellington 6140) the following documentation:
1. Birth Registration Request
2. An original copy of the New Zealand Birth Certificate issued by Births, Marriages and Deaths (BDM), duly apostilled and translated into Italian by the NZ Department of Internal Affairs
3. Passport copy of the applying parent
Please note that only Birth Certificates of children under the age of 18 are eligible for registrations following the above process. If the Birth Certificate refers to someone over the age of 18, such person will have to apply for “Citizenship recognition” (for more information please click here!).
To register in Italy a Marriage celebrated in New Zealand, Italian citizens must post to the Embassy (PO Box 463, Wellington 6140) the following documentation:
1. Marriage Registration Request
2. An original copy of the Marriage Certificate issued by Births, Marriages and Deaths (BDM), duly apostilled and translated into Italian by the NZ Department of Internal Affairs
3. Applicant’s Passport copy
If you are applying for the registration of a NZ Marriage of same sex spouses, please note that it may be registered in Italy as a Civil Union.
To register the Death of a family member please post to the Embassy (PO Box 463, Wellington 6140) the following documentation:
1. Death Registration Request
2. An original copy of the Death Certificate issued by Births, Marriages and Deaths (BDM), duly apostilled and translated into Italian by the NZ Department of Internal Affairs
To apply for the registration in Italy of a New Zealand divorce please post to the Embassy (PO Box 463, Wellington 6140) the following documentation:
1. An original copy of the Order Dissolving Marriage, issued by the Family Court, duly apostilled and translated into Italian by the NZ Department of Internal Affairs
2. Divorce Registration Application
3. Applicant’s ID copy
Please note that a New Zealand divorce in Italy has to be first accepted as a foreign Order Dissolving Marriage and then registered. Therefore, it may be that the relevant municipality in Italy needs additional documentation to register your divorce. In this case the Embassy will contact you and advice what to provide in addition, according to the Municipality requirements.
Before posting Certificates not issued in New Zealand to this Embassy, please verify the required legalisation/apostille for the Certificate with the Italian diplomatic/consular authorities in the country where the Certificate was issued.
Cerificates issued in a language other than English must be directly translated into Italian (double translations are not acceptable; i.e. from Spanish to English and then from English to Spanish); such translations will then have to be apostilled (if possible) or verified by the Italian diplomatic/consular authorities in the country where the Certificate was issued.
Italian Certificates of Births, Marriages and Deaths can only be issued by the relevant Municipality in Italy following a request from the interested party.