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An Italian passport is an internationally recognized travel document. It is valid for 10 years (Passports for applicants under the age of 18 are valid for 5 years; Passports for applicants under the age of 3 years are valid for 3 years). A new passport can be requested when the existing one is expired or is about to expire (less than 6 months validity), has been lost/stolen, damaged or when a longer validity is needed. PLEASE NOTE: THE PASSPORT SERVICE IS LIMITED ONLY TO ITALIAN NATIONALS REGISTERED TO OUR CONSULAR REGISTRY. PASSPORTS CAN BE ISSUED TO NON-REGISTERED NATIONALS ONLY IN VERY EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES WITH THE CLEARANCE OF THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY (PROCESSING TIMES ARE USUALLY VERY LONG). PLEASE NOTE: According to Italian laws applications for children under the age of 18 require a Consent Form signed by the other parent of said child/children, together with a copy of the other parent ID. If the other parent is not a citizen of Italy or any other EU member State, his/her signature on the Consent Form must be witnessed by a Justice of the Peace or at the Embassy of Italy on the day of the appointment.   PASSPORT ISSUING PROCESS FOR APPLICANT OVER THE AGE OF 18   STEP 1: ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF THE PASSPORT APPLICATION TO THE EMBASSY OF ITALY IN WELLINGTON  Please email to the following documentation:

All documentation must be sent in PDF format and one single email. Once received by the Embassy, your Passport application is assessed by the Passport Office. You will be contacted if additional documentation is required. If you are not AIRE registered, the Passport Office will also assess the Passport urgency and eventually seek the authorizations required for the issuing of your Passport (from other consular office or Italian Police; please note that this process may take up to 30 days).   STEP 2: BIOMETRIC DATA COLLECTION After the positive pre-assessment of your application, our Passport office in Wellington or our Honary consular office in Auckland or Christchurch will contact you to organise an appointment for biometric data collection. On the day of the appointment you are required to present:

  • Your current Italian Passport, if available;
  • A valid form of ID (if your Passport is expired or lost);
  • (ONLY FOR THE HONORARY CONSULATE IN CHRISTCHURCH): 1 recent photograph (face-front, colour, white background; more information is available here). The photo is not required if the biometric data is collected in Auckland or Wellington.

If your biometric data is collected at the Embassy of Italy in Wellington, you will also be required to present at the appointment the following documentation:

  • The original Passport application previously emailed at Step 1;
  • Pre-paid self-addressed courier bag with label “courier signature required” and if applicable “rural delivery” label, for the return of your new Passport to your chosen address
  • Proof of payment (screenshot of your bank account) of the current Passport fee (click here for current passport fee and bank transfer details).

STEP 3: SENDING THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS TO THE EMBASSY If your biometric data is collected at our honorary consular offices in Auckland and Christchurch, please post to the Embassy (PO Box 463, Wellington 6140) the following documentation:

  • The original Passport application emailed at Step 1;
  • Pre-paid self-addressed  courier bag with label “courier signature required” and if applicable “rural delivery” label, for the return of your new Passport to your chosen address
  • Photo-signature card alreday signed at the Honorary Consuate/Honorary Consular Agency (Christchurch);
  • Proof of payment (screenshot of your bank account) of the current Passport fee (click here for current passport fee and bank transfer details);
  • your current valid/expired Italian passport.

Because our consular fees change quarterly, we recommend not to post Passport applications the last 2 weeks of March,, September, and December. We invite applicants instead to wait for the publication of the new consular fee in order avoid the inconvenience of having to send top-ups/changes.   PASSPORT ISSUING PROCESS FOR APPLICANTS UNDER THE AGE OF 12 Applicants under the age of 12 years are exempted from the collection of biometric data.   STEP 1: ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF THE PASSPORT APPLICATION TO THE EMBASSY OF ITALY IN WELLINGTON Please email to the following documentation:

  • Passport Request Form duly filled and signed by one of the Italian parents (please fill the Form with the personal details of the minor applicant);
  • Copy of current Italian Passport, if available (otherwise copy of a valid ID, to send also if the passport has expired);
  • his/her current Italian passport, if available;
  • If Passport has been lost or stolen: Embassy Notification Form and copy of the New Zealand Police report (more information available here)
  • Consent Form signed by the parent who has not signed the Application Form (if non-European citizen the form must be signed in front of a Justice of the Peace or at the Embassy, in person);

All documentation must be sent in PDF format and one single email. Once received by the Embassy, your Passport application is assessed by the Passport Office. You will be contacted if additional documentation is required.   STEP 2: SENDING THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS TO THE EMBASSY Once your application is approved, the following documents, in original version, need to be sent to the Embassy via post:

  • The Passport application emailed at Step 1;
  • The Consent form of the other parent;
  • His/her current valid/expired Italian passport, if available;
  • 1 recent photograph (face-front, colour; more information available here);
  • If Passport has been lost or stolen: Embassy Notification Form;
  • Proof of payment (screenshot of your bank account) of the current Passport fee (click here for current passport fee and bank transfer details);
  • Pre-paid self-addressed courier bag with label “courier signature required” and if applicable “rural delivery” label, for the return of your new Passport to your chosen address;

If the application is for a newborn – whose Birth Certificate hasn’t been registered in Italy yet – please send us with the Passport Request also a Birth Registration Request, together with an original copy of the Birth Certificate duly apostilled and translated into Italian (more information available here).

Because our consular fees change quarterly, we recommend not to post Passport applications the last 2 weeks of March, June, September, and December. We invite applicants instead to wait for the publication of the new consular fee in order avoid the inconvenience of having to send top-ups/changes. 

PASSPORT ISSUING PROCESS FOR APPLICANTS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 BUT OVER THE AGE OF 12 Please follow the ordinary Passport issuing processes. The Passport Request Form must be completed with the minor applicant personal details and signed by one of the Italian parents. The parent who does not sign the Passport Request Form must sign the Consent Form.