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Citizenship through marriage or civil union (same-sex-marriage)

Italian citizenship through marriage or civil union (same-sex-marriage) to an Italian citizen is regulated by Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the law of Citizenship n. 91 of 1992.

IMPORTANT: If you are a woman and you married before April 26th, 1983, you automatically acquired Italian citizenship at the moment of marriage. For more information, please see the dedicated section of this page.

The foreign spouse of an Italian citizen may apply for Italian citizenship after 2 years from the date of the marriage if the couple resides in Italy or after 3 years from the date of the marriage if it resides abroad. These timeframes are reduced by half if there are children born or adopted by the married couple.

If legal separation, divorce or death of the Italian spouse takes place before the issuing of the Italian Ministry of Interior decree conferring the Italian citizenship, applicant lose his/her right to acquire nationality.

The “Application for Italian citizenship by marriage” must be lodged ONLINE only, through the citizenship by marriage portal of the Ministry of Interior.

IMPORTANT: when registering a new account, please make sure you register your full name as on your birth certificate (please register your maiden name if that is the one resulting on your Birth Certificate). Insert your last name (in the area COGNOME and insert all your given names (first and middle names) in the area NOME. The application does not provide a field for middle names; therefore, middle names must be inserted beside the name so that the full name on your account matches the name on your birth certificate. Please note that you will not be able to change or alter those details after you have set your own account.


  1. The marriage must be already registered at the Comune in Italy;
  2. If the couple resides abroad, the Italian spouse must be registered at the Embassy in Wellington as an Italian Citizen Residing Abroad – A.I.R.E. and the foreign spouse must be resident at the same address of the Italian spouse.

To upload the required documents, please make sure you prepare in advance 5 separate files. Each file must contain all pages of a specific document, including all translations into the Italian language. Make sure you downsize large files as files exceeding 3MB in size will be rejected by the system.

The application website is written entirely in Italian with no translation provided in any other language. It is the applicant responsibility to make sure he/she fully understands the instructions and properly completes the form. If your are unable to understand Italian properly plesae seek the assistance of a qualified translator/interpreter.

Documents of the spouse to be uploaded:

  1. BIRTH CERTIFICATE (atto di nascita) with Apostille and official translation (see “Legalization and Translations”)
  2. MARRIAGE/CIVIL RECORDS FROM ITALY (“Estratto del registro dell’atto di matrimonio” or “Estratto del registro delle Unione civili” for same-sex-marriages), issued by the Italian Municipality where the marriage/civil union was registered or by the Italian Municipality where it took place (Certificates issued abroad are not acceptable).
  3. CRIMINAL RECORDS CERTIFICATES (Certificati penali), to be requested to the competent Police or Judiciary Authorities of each foreign country where the applicant had resided after the age of 14.
    The certificates must be legalized and translated (see “Legalization and Translations”)
    Important: These certificates are valid for six months from the date of issue by the relevant foreign authority.
  4. APPLICANT’S VALID ID OR PASSPORT WITH A VALID VISA: only the pages showing the photograph, signature and visa.
  5. ITALIAN LANGUAGE CERTIFICATION: possession of a diploma of study issued by an Italian public school or recognised private school; alternatively, official certification of knowledge (level B1, lower intermediate) issued by a recognised language certifier: University for Foreigners of Siena, University for Foreigners of Perugia, University Roma Tre, Dante Alighieri Society. The Dante Alighieri Society in Auckland is a recognised Certification Centre. For more information on test dates, costs and process please contact

     6. PROOF OF BANK TRANSFER OF € 250.00 to “Ministero dell’Interno”.
The fee must be paid by international bank transfer only. You need to provide the following details to your bank:
Name of Bank: Poste Italiane S.p.A.;
Account name : Ministero dell’Interno D.L.C.I.
Reference: (Name and Surname) istanza di cittadinanza per matrimonio/unione civile
IBAN Code: IT54D0760103200000000809020 BIC/SWIFT: BPPIITRRXXX


All foreign certificates (birth, marriage, death, naturalization/no naturalization certificates) must be legalized and translated for International use.


  • If the Country of the issuing of the certificate is a signatory to the 1961 “Apostille Convention”, an Apostille is issued by the designated authority of the Country. Check the list of signatory countries here.
  • If the Country is not a signatory to the 1961 “Apostille Convention”, the Italian Consular authorities in the Country where the certificate has been issued must do the legalization.


An official full translation into the Italian language must be attached. New Zealand certificates are translated by the Department of Internal Affairs – Translation Service or any other professional translator. Please check the dedicated page on this website.  Translations executed in New Zealand of certificates issued in English speaking Countries are allowed (e.g. Australia, Usa, South Africa).

Note that double translations are not accepted (i.e. Form Spanish to English and then from English to Italian)
If the certificate has been issued outside New Zealand or in a non-English speaking country (e.g. Argentina, Brasil), please refer for translation requirements to the relevant Italian Consulate/Embassy in the Country where the certificate has been issued.


  • The application must be completed in all its parts.
  • All pages of each document must be clearly visible in a multiple pages single pdf file. N.B. Multiple pages related to the same document must be scanned in a single pdf, with the following characteristics: 100 DPI resolution; black and white; less than 3MB.
  • Once uploaded, the documents must be sent by clicking on “INVIA” and not “SALVA”.

When the application is submitted, the system will create two items:

  1. Application summary;
  2. Application submission id number.

Once the application is pre-assessed by this Embassy, it will be either:

  1. Accettata (Accepted);
  2. Rifiutata (Rejected).

Once the application is pre-assessed, the applicant will receive a notice via email through the ALI website.
If the application is accepted, the system will generate a K10/C reference number.

Accepted applications will receive an email from the Consular Office with further information on how to submit the original documents and finalize the application procedure.

The original documentation will be submitted by post.

When submitting the original documents, additional consular fees must be paid (by bank cheque only) for the following certificates, which will be issued by the Embassy:

  1. Authentication of the applicant’s signature on the application;
  2. Certified translation per each document issued in New Zealand;

Please check the updated fees for such services on our “Tariffe Consolari” section

Be aware that if further legalizations are needed from this Embassy, the payment of additional consular fees may be requested.

Please note that the submitted original documents will not be returned.


  • ALL ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS, including application with duly authenticated applicant’s signature;
  • APPLICANT’S RESIDENT VISA, issued by the NZ Immigration Authorities (if the applicant is not a NZ citizen);
  • BANK CHEQUE in the name of the “Italian Embassy in Wellington” for the total amount in NZD, as per instructions above.

Following the submission of all original documentation to this Embassy the citizenship process will be managed by the Italian Ministry of the Interior. In any case, the applicant will be able to check the progress of the application directly through the ALI portal.

The process may take up to 48 months to be completed.

If citizenship is granted, the applicant will be required to pledge his/her allegiance to the Republic of Italy by taking an oath during a ceremony that will take place at the Embassy.

Rejected applications will receive a detailed feedback through the ALI portal.



In this specific case only, the acquisition of Italian citizenship is obtained requesting the Embassy of Italy in Wellington the registration in Italy of the marriage certificate and the wife’s birth certificate. In order to do so, the applicant must post to the Embassy the following documentation (please contact first the Embassy in order to ascertain that you’re entitled to follow this procedure):

  1. Application form;
  2. Copy of the applicant ID (either a passport or a driver’s license);
  3. Applicant’s birth certificate, legalized and translated (please refer the ” Legalizations and Translations” sections of this page)
  4. Bank cheque made to the Italian Embassy in Wellington for the amount in NZD equivalent to € 300.00 (for the updated amount please refer to our “Tariffe Consolari” section.



This Embassy cannot provide assistance for technical issues. A Help Desk is available for any issues please see the Ministero dell’Interno’s website below.
