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XXIV Week of the Italian Language in the World: “ITALIAN AND THE BOOKS: THE WORLD BETWEEN THE LINES”

The Italian Language Week in the World (#SLIM2024) is the most significant global event dedicated to our language, taking place annually thanks to the organization of the diplomatic-consular network and the Italian Cultural Institutes, in collaboration with major local partners for linguistic promotion. Since its establishment in 2001, the event has always been held under the High Patronage of the Presidency of the Republic.

The 2024 edition (October 14 – 20) will focus on the theme “Italian and the Book: The World Between the Lines,” aiming to explore the connection between language and literature in the contemporary world, while highlighting the role of books as vehicles of cultural heritage, values, and Italian identity.

The volume produced specifically by the Accademia della Crusca on the theme “Italian and the Book: The World Between the Lines” is available at the following link in PDF  format.


Events in New Zealand

October 14, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Event: “Celebrate Italian Language Week!” – A special event where you’ll learn how to order a coffee like a true Italian and avoid common mistakes when dining in Italy. Browse a selection of Italian books and try some focaccia to experience the real taste of Italy.

Organizers: Italian Circle of Wellington inc. in collaboration with Mediterranean Foods.

Location: Mediterranean Foods, 42 Constable Street, Newtown, Wellington.


October 18, 5:30 PM

Event: “A Story in Italy” – An open event to present the book created by participants of the Creative Writing Course organized by the tutors of Dante Alighieri Society Auckland. During the evening, the project will be illustrated, offering attendees the opportunity to explore the themes and narratives developed by the students.

Organizers: Dante Alighieri Society – Auckland.

Location: Dante Alighieri, Freemans Bay Community Centre, 52 Hepburn Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland.



Event: Podcast of the series “Culture wanderers”, dedicated to Carlo Rovelli and curated by Federico Magrin

Organizer: Ondazzurra.

Ondazzurra participates in the “Italian Language Week”  with a podcast of the series “Culture Wanderers”  dedicated to Carlo Rovelli. the conversation features Federico Magrin,a journalist and philosopher, and Vincenzo Fano, professor of logic and philosophy of science at the University of Urbino.
Carlo Rovelli is an internationally renowned theoretical physicist, a leading figure in 21st-century physics and the author of books that have become international bestselling books. Notable works include  “Reality is not what it seems”, Cortina Editor and “Seven short lessons in physics”, which present the results of research on the fundamental structure of reality, time and space in an engaging and evocative manner.
Event: Podcast of the series “Culture wanderers” dedicated to Viola di Grado and curated by Federico Magrin
Organizer: Ondazzurra
Ondazzura participates to the “Italian Language Week” with a  conversation between Federico Magrin, a journalist and philosopher, and Viola di Grado, one of the most exciting and critically acclaimed Italian authors. An enfant prodige of fiction narrative, di Grado is now amongst the most translated Italian authors in the world.
In this podcast, Federico and Viola discuss the fine line that separates memoir, autobiography, intimate storytelling and diary writing from the novel.  Her latest book published by La Nave di Teseo is “Marabbecca”. The protagonist is a woman, daughter, girlfriend and lover who creates darkness out of darkness – like the figure of the Sicilian folklore Marabbecca. Federico and Viola explore the metaphysics of sadness that permeates Di Grado’s work, exploring themes such as death, the crumbling of the classic mother figure and authority.